First, let me start this blog by saying, I am impressed with anyone who has the dedication to stick to an exercise routine and achieve results. I have yet to achieve this goal. I have over the past couple of months tried a couple of the gyms in the area and once I complete the next couple I will blog on my set of experiences.
My wife on the other hand has always enjoyed exercise. When she lived in Boston she walked everywhere and still went to the gym 2 or 3 times a week. I have never had this kind of dedication to fitness, and unfortunately as I said, it shows. :-) My wife really enjoys instructor lead classes or group exercise programs. Sure she works out on her own at times, but this seems to be her preference.
After the birth of our first child in 2005 my wife was in search of some program to help her drop the extra weight. This was when she first found stroller strides. Of course she tried a few classes at some of the local gyms, and the Boroughs YMCA still has a few classes she enjoys, but in terms of results nothing has compared to stroller strides. At first I just got to hear the stories and see some of the results, but in 2007 the Metrowest stroller strides group held classes on Saturday mornings and invited significant others to join the class. This is where I got some first hand experience.
For those unfamiliar, stroller strides is a total fitness program for moms that they can do with their baby/child in tow, rather push in the stroller. When weather permits these classes are held outside at places like Hopkinton State Park and
Assabet River Rail Trail. In the winter and on stormy days classes have been held at the Natick Collection and other indoor locations. The program includes power walking and intervals of body toning using exercise stretch bands, the stroller and outdoor environment. On top of all this fitness, the local stroller strides includes weekly organized playgroups, monthly Mom's Night Out and lot of other fun things. The Metrowest organization is lead by Laura Kimball.
From my perspective...the results I see on my wife...I have been impressed with stroller strides. At the risk of getting yelled at later I am going to share two photos with my readers. The first photo was taken 2 months after the birth of our second child. The second is after my wife compeleted about 7 months of stroller strides.
I have one other comparison photo from after the birth of our first child but I am sure that will get me in too much trouble to post publicly. But stroller strides isn't just for moms with strollers anymore.
Recently the Stroller Strides franchise added a new program called Body Back. This program is an eight week results based workout/meal plan program designed specifically for moms of all ages! Program includes before and after assessments, two HIIT (high intensity, interval training)workouts per week (this time without the kids) in the beautiful outdoors, full meal plan and food diary, online coaching/support group and Mama Wants workout video series to use at home.
For the husbands/significant others out there I offer the following advice about Body Back:
- Once my wife really got into it, nothing could be overbooked on a Body Back night. We have kids and I need to be home from work a little earlier two nights a week to cover kid duties.
- In our house I usually do a lot of the cooking. And I, like so many others, love a nice juicy bacon cheeseburger from the grill. This program changed things and my wife has made dinner more nights a week then I have. BUT dinner often consists of brown rice, lots of vegatables, and lean meats. All good things, I admit, but not all the flavors I love.
- If you're like me...a "big guy" and your wife is taking stroller strides you may start looking for a workout routine of your own. Sure it may be enjoyable/exciting to watch your significant other bending and flexing to the videos at home, but trying to keep up is a whole different story. :-) To date I am still looking.
- Finally, stroller strides and body back work so enjoy the benefit of a happy, healthy, beautiful partner. :-)
For any of the mom's who read my blog, and are looking to get back in shape in the Boroughs area, I recommend you check out the
Metrowest Stroller Strides below if Laura's info. For all the husbands like myself...Thanks Laura.