The main promotional attraction as I mentioned was the MoS traveling show. Reptiles was cool, there was a lizard, a turtle, and a large snake. The representative from the Museum of Science was interesting and the crowd enjoyed his presentation. The 45 minute interactive talk was fun for the kids. I am proud of the BJCC for bringing the MoS to Westborough. It was convenient and fun, but as I said the real value in this event was the science that went on before the MoS presentation.
The Boroughs JCC found several Boroughs scientists (most who worked in Cambridge) to volunteer their time and conduct a series of hands on experiments for kids and adults. These are real scientists, not technologists or doctors. Not there is anything wrong with technologists (I am one) and doctors are impressive in many ways, but this event was staffed with scientists...people who have made their career investigating, experimenting, and (flashback to high school coming) testing hypothesizes. It is easy for kids to get excited about sports and the sports programs in the Boroughs are great. Band stereotypes aside, I always thought music is easy to get excited about as well, especially with great local entertainers like Mr. Kim Webster, who not only entertains but teaches young kids music fundamentals. To me science is harder. It requires someone with specific know how and patience to show kids in a way that is exciting and hands on. And a lot of times even with practice science can go wrong. :-) That makes it more fun. The event at the BJCC had all the elements of fun science and I am so glad I was able to take my boys.
Making slime, blowing up balloons with chemical reactions, creating geometrical shapes, and several other hands on projects kept kids and adults smiling. This event cost $20 per family for members of the JCC and $30 per family for non-members. Considering admission to the MoS is not cheap, this was a deal just for the reptiles and a steal when you add the experiments.
Details on the next event are not published yet but you can keep an eye out at or become a fan of the Boroughs JCC on Facebook. They are good about publishing all events on the Facebook page and from what I have seen all events are open to the public. However, they are cheaper if you are a member of the Boroughs JCC
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